September 26, 2007

A celebration of 60 years!

This family is AMAZING! In honor of their fathers 60th birthday they wanted to take photos of the family. Happy Birthday Pop!

sisters have cooties!

The Gibson family was a session that was auctioned off at an event to raise money for the March of Dimes through FTCC. It was an honor to donate a session and to have met this kind, giving family...despite the cooties!

September 21, 2007


We had this session on the first day of visibly fall weather. It was perfect! Family is one of the most precious things we have. I loved how close these guys were.

September 20, 2007

life's little details

I got a new macro lens and I am in love!

September 17, 2007

the secret workshop

I recently attended a photography workshop called "The Secret Workshop".
These were all the great girls that I met and got to spend the weekend with.
This workshop was amazing and if you are an aspiring photographer or even if you've been a pro for years, it really is for everyone. I highly recommend you checking it out. Cheryl Muhr & Jodie Otte are taking the workshop on tour! Congrats girls!

sweet baby colby

September 7, 2007

Lindsay's Bridal

I literally just walked in the door from shooting the Byerly wedding tonight. I was sitting here down loading all 1500 + photos from the celebration and remembered that I havent gotten to share my favorites from Lindsay's bridal portraits yet. These were taken in the cute {teenie tiny} chapel over at Tanglewood. Be looking for some from the wedding in days to come.

sally gupton photography. copyright 2008.