February 5, 2009

I need an accountant!

Any one out there up for a challenge? Any readers have a referral? Anyone maybe willing to barter a few hours of their time to prep me for taxes for a photo session or monies off a wedding package?

I know I haven't blogged a lot lately. I've been working on a few LARGE projects that have been eating me alive., although well worth it. Not to mention trying to keep up with all my awesome clients. I'll be heading to Wilmington, NC in a few weeks for an amazing wedding and some workshops. Along with my long list of things to do, one is to change my blog layout [bigger and better]. If you haven't checked out the new wedding website, please do! While it is still a work in progress I am excited to simply have something up and running considering my blog was the only means of communication i had for such a long time. The childhood portraiture website should be up any day now.

I couldn't be more exited about spring being on the way. I can already smell the warm breezes when I look at this image taken at a wedding last year. My favorite part of the longer days is being able to come home with my kids and sit and play outside. It's simply a better quality of life for those seasons because of that.

1 comment:

gift said...


If you still need an accountant; fill out the simple form on our web-site at www.find-accountants.co.uk & we will be able to come back to you with upto 4, FREE, NON OBLIGATORY quotes from accountants in your area or desired area.


sally gupton photography. copyright 2008.