November 6, 2008

whats your special [gift]?

Everyday reveals new emotions, relationships, challenges, frustrations, accomplishments and inspiration. One of my biggest inspirations in my life is my mother. She taught me that all things are good, the universe speaks a unique language, random kindness is to be apart of all motivation and especially how to express myself through art.

I have always been a photographer, as long as I can remember. It was only natural progression that I made it my profession. It was after the birth of my third child that the I realized I needed a more soulful outlet than scientific research [my previous profession]. I see visions in my heart and mind that stage the work I do. My clients step into these visions and their lives make the work [and world] complete.

One way I treat myself from day to day is reading Daily OM. I thought this entry had alot of significance. Enough to share with you.

Daily OM entry [October 15 2008]

Each of us is born with a specific genius that was bestowed upon us so we can do our part to make this world a better place. All of us have a role that we’re uniquely suited for. Imagine our planet without trees, oceans, or clouds. In this same way, when one of us doesn’t develop or use our special gift, a cosmic void takes place.

This unique talent or ability may be hidden from your own sight like a golden treasure buried under shifting sands. Often, we spend so much time dazzled by the talents of others that we can overlook our own gifts. It may even be that our unique ability is something we view negatively. Perhaps we find it difficult concentrating on any one subject for long; meanwhile, others are thrilled by our ability to weave various ideas throughout our conversations. Or, you might think of yourself as “frivolous,” when it’s likely your charming approach to life casts a light of inspiration that others can’t help but follow. It’s important for all of us to try to find our special gift and discover how we can best express it. Ask others to name what they think is your most overlooked talent or character trait. Their answers may change your life.

Explore these riches that are yours to express, and you may find yourself helping others discover and develop their own blessings. Acknowledge and appreciate the gifts you see in those around you. Tell your neighbor that loves to garden how much her green thumb enlivens the whole block. Thank your coworker for always greeting your days together with a smile. Tell your close friends that their ability to listen makes your world a better place. Our unique gifts are like golden rays of expression that can encircle the world with light.

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sally gupton photography. copyright 2008.